Ashlee's Costume Closet
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Emma Frost 2011-2012
Back in 2010/2011, I asked my hubby what costume he would like to see me make for myself, the twist being that it had to be one that I would...
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Effie Trinket: Catching Fire Capitol Portrait
Like many of the costumes I make for myself, something just has to click. As soon as the Capitol Portraits were revealed I knew I wanted...
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Legend: Dark Lilly
Well, I've been plotting this costume for YEARS...I remember this movie from when I was little, and how beautiful it was. Unicorns, ...
Scottish Punk Gown?
This gown was tons of fun to make...I must have went through a dozen ideas for collars, silhouettes, and accessories before deciding on w...
Friday, July 20, 2012
Black Swan Costume
This costume was put on the back burner for such a long time. But I felt I had to finish, if for no other reason, than to stash it in my et...
Marie Antoinette's Black Masquerade Gown
Another costume based on the fantastic 'Marie Antoinette!' I want to make all of them, of course, but one at a time; one at a time....
Lady Gaga: Just Dance Dress
I was stewing on a few Lady Gaga costumes some time ago; I wanted to make one that was wearable and that I could possibly commission, not ne...
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